Английский язык с Р.Л. Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ
to the beach, where the two gigs awaited us. Even these bore trace of the
drunken folly of the pirates, one in a broken thwart, and both in their muddy
and unbailed condition. Both were to be carried along with us, for the sake of
safety; and so, with our numbers divided between them, we set forth upon the
bosom of the anchorage.
2. As we pulled over, there was some discussion on the chart. The red cross
was, of course, far too large to be a guide; and the terms of the note on the
back, as you will hear, admitted of some ambiguity. They ran, the reader may
remember, thus: —
3. 'Tall tree, Spy-glass shoulder, bearing a point to the N. of N.N.E.
4. 'Skeleton Island E.S.E. and by E.
5. 'Ten feet.'
1. A tall tree was thus the principal mark (высокое дерево было, таким образом,
главным признаком). Now, right before us, the anchorage was bounded by a
plateau from two to three hundred feet high (и вот, прямо перед нами якорная
стоянка ограничивалась плоскогорьем от двух до трех сотен футов высотой),
adjoining on the north the sloping southern shoulder of the Spy-glass
(граничившим на севере с отлогим южным склоном Подзорной Трубы; to
adjoin — примыкать, соприкасаться, граничить), and rising again towards the
south into the rough, cliffy eminence called the Mizzen-mast Hill (и
переходившей снова к югу в неровную скалистую возвышенность,
называвшуюся холмом Бизань-мачты; to rise — подниматься, возрастать,
всходить). The top of the plateau was dotted thickly with pine trees of varying
height (вершина плоскогорья была обильно усеяна соснами различной
высоты). Every here and there, one of a different species rose forty or fifty feet
clear above its neighbours (то тут, то там одно из деревьев возвышалось на
сорок-пятьдесят футов над своими соседями; species —
порода), and which of these was the particular 'tall tree' of Captain Flint (и какое
из этих было особенным «высоким деревом» капитана Флинта) could only be
decided on the spot, and by the readings of the compass (могло было решено
только на месте и при считывании показаний компаса).
2. Yet, although that was the case (тем не менее, хотя это было так: «тем
случаем»), every man on board the boats had picked a favourite of his own ere we
were half way over (каждый матрос на борту лодок выбрал свое любимое
/дерево/, прежде чем мы прошли больше половины пути), Long John alone
shrugging his shoulders and bidding them wait till they were there (один
Долговязый Джон пожимал плечами и советовал им подождать, пока они не
доберутся туда).
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principal [`prInsIpl] adjoining [q`GOInIN] eminence [`emInqns] height [haIt]
species [`spJSJz] neighbours [`neIbqz] particular [pq`tIkjulq]
1. A tall tree was thus the principal mark. Now, right before us, the anchorage
was bounded by a plateau from two to three hundred feet high, adjoining on
the north the sloping southern shoulder of the Spy-glass, and rising again
towards the south into the rough, cliffy eminence called the Mizzen-mast Hill.
The top of the plateau was dotted thickly with pine trees of varying height.
Every here and there, one of a different species rose forty or fifty feet clear
above its neighbours, and which of these was the particular 'tall tree' of
Captain Flint could only be decided on the spot, and by the readings of the
2. Yet, although that was the case, every man on board the boats had picked a
favourite of his own ere we were half way over, Long John alone shrugging