Английский язык с Робинзоном Крузо
лист; to shake). He thought that I was going to kill him (собирался убить его).
He did not see the kid I had shot. He threw himself at my feet (бросился к моим
ногам). Although I could not understand a word he said, yet I knew that he was begging
me to have pity on him (просил меня иметь жалость к нему = помиловать его).
And indeed I did pity him (сжалился над ним) — he was so frightened.
I took him by the hand and lifted him up (взял
him and pointed to the kid that I had killed. When he saw it and understood me, he ran to
fetch it (подобрать его).
Going on through the woods, I saw a big bird sitting on a tree (птицу, сидящую
на дереве). I thought it was a hawk (ястреб, сокол).
"See there, Friday!" I said, as I pointed to it (указывая на нее).
Bang (бам)! went my gun (пошло = выстрелило мое ружье). The bird fell to the
ground. It was not a hawk, but a parrot (не ястреб, а попугай).
Friday was amazed (удивлен). He looked at the gun and trembled (дрожал).
For a long time he would not touch a gun (долго не хотел прикасаться к
ружью). He would look at it and talk to it (смотрел на него и заговаривал с ним). He
would say, in his own language (на своем языке): "O wonderful thing (удивительная
вещь)! Do not kill me (не убивай меня)! Do not kill me!"
We found nothing more in the woods that day. Friday carried the kid home, and I
took off its skin and dressed it (снял с него шкуру и обработал ее). Then I stewed some
of the best pieces (потушил несколько лучших кусков) and made some good broth
At dinner I gave some of the broth to my man. He liked it very well, but he could
not bear salt in it (не мог выносить соль в ней).
I tried to show him that food was best with a little salt (с небольшим
количеством соли). But he did not think so, and he would never eat meat that was
The next day I set Friday to work (дал ему работу). I had him thrash some barley
for me (я заставил его молоть ячмень) and grind the grains into meal (молотить зерно
в муку) as I had always done.
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u
He did his work very well.
Then I let him see me make some bread and bake it (дал ему посмотреть, как я
делаю хлеб и пеку его). He learned very fast and soon could cook and keep house as
well as any one (смотреть за домом, как любой другой).
Little by little I taught him how to work on my farm (на моей ферме). We fenced
another field and sowed more barley (огородили
ячменя). For now there were two mouths to feed instead of one (имели еду на два
месяца вместо одного).
Very soon Friday learned to talk quite well. He learned the name of everything he
saw. He was very quick, and I took pleasure in teaching him (было приятно учить его).
I told him all about gunpowder (порохе) and guns and showed him how to shoot
(стрелять). I gave him a knife (нож), which pleased him not a little (что не доставило
ему немалое удовольствие). I made him a belt (пояс) and gave him a hatchet (топорик)
to carry in it.
I told him about the countries on the other side of the great ocean (большого
океана). And I told him something of my own history.
Little by little I explained (объяснил) how my people traded in great ships (как
мои люди = мои соотечественники торговали на больших судах), and how my own
ship had been wrecked on the coast of this island (потерпел кораблекрушение на
побережье острова).
Thus, between working and teaching, I forgot all my fears (забыл все мои
страхи). The days passed by (проходили), and every day brought some new delight
It was the pleasantest year of my life (самый приятный год моей жизни).
I often asked my man Friday to tell me about his own country (о его
собственной стране). He told me all that he knew, and his words made me feel quite
sure that the mainland of South America was not far away (континент Южной Америки
был не далеко).
In fact (на деле), the low shore (низкий берег) that I could see far to the west of
my island was part of the coast of that great continent (частью побережья этого
большого материка).
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www
. f ranklang . r u
Friday told me that white men sometimes went there (белые люди иногда
приходили туда). He said that they had long, dark beards (длинные, темные бороды)
and were always trying to trade with his people (старались торговать).
I felt quite sure they were Spaniards (испанцы), and I had a great mind to go over
(большое намерение отправиться туда), if I could, and join them (присоединиться к
ним). Indeed, my whole mind was set on seeing some of my own people again (на деле,
весь мой ум был настроен увидеть некоторых из моих соотечественников опять).