Английский язык с Р.Л. Стивенсоном. Остров сокровищ
was never near the house after my father's death (и был никогда = ни разу рядом
с нашим домом после смерти моего отца).
supply [sq`plaI] scowling [`skaulIN] mourning [`mLnIN] death [deT]
He got downstairs next morning, to be sure, and had his meals as usual,
though he ate little, and had more, I am afraid, than his usual supply of rum,
for he helped himself out of the bar, scowling and blowing through his nose,
and no one dared to cross him. On the night before the funeral he was as
drunk as ever; and it was shocking, in that house of mourning, to hear him
singing away at his ugly old sea-song; but, weak as he was, we were all in the
fear of death for him, and the doctor was suddenly taken up with a case many
miles away, and was never near the house after my father's death.
1. I have said the captain was weak (я
indeed he seemed rather to grow weaker than regain his strength (и
действительно, он, казалось, скорее становился слабее, чем восстанавливал
силы; rather than — скорее… чем…, вместо; to regain — получать обратно,
восстанавливать, возвращать). He clambered up and downstairs (он
карабкался /с трудом/ вверх и вниз /по лестнице/; to clamber — карабкаться,
взбираться), and went from the parlour to the bar and back again (и шел из
комнаты к стойке и обратно), and sometimes put his nose out of doors to smell
the sea (иногда высовывал нос за дверь подышать морем; out of doors —
снаружи, на открытом воздухе; to smell — чуять запах, нюхать), holding on
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to the walls as he went for support (держась за стену во время ходьбы для
поддержки; support — поддержка, опора, помощь), and breathing hard and fast
like a man on a steep mountain (и дыша тяжело и часто, как человек
/взбирающийся/ на крутую гору).
2. He never particularly addressed me (он /больше/ никогда не обращался
именно/отдельно ко мне; particularly — индивидуально, лично; в
отдельности), and it is my belief he had as good as forgotten his confidences (и
good as — все равно что, почти, в сущности); but his temper was more flighty
(но его нрав стал еще более раздражительнее; flighty — непостоянный,
капризный, нервный; flight — полет), and, allowing for his bodily weakness,
more violent than ever (и, учитывая его физическую слабость, более яростным,
чем когда-либо). He had an alarming way now when he was drunk of drawing his
cutlass (у него теперь была тревожная привычка — когда он был пьян,
вытаскивал свой кортик; way — путь; обычай, привычка) and laying it bare
before him on the table (и клал его, обнаженный = вытащенный из ножен
перед собой на стол). But, with all that, he minded people less (но, при всем
этом, он меньше обращал внимания на людей), and seemed shut up in his own
thoughts and rather wandering (и казался погруженным в свои мысли и
довольно рассеянным; to shut up — закрыть, заколотить, запереть;
wandering — блуждающий, рассеянный, беспокойный).
strength [streNT] breathing [`brJDIN] mountain [`mauntIn] flighty [`flaItlI]
1. I have said the captain was weak; and indeed he seemed rather to grow
weaker than regain his strength. He clambered up and downstairs, and went
from the parlour to the bar and back again, and sometimes put his nose out of
Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка www.franklang.ru
doors to smell the sea, holding on to the walls as he went for support, and
breathing hard and fast like a man on a steep mountain.
2. He never particularly addressed me, and it is my belief he had as good as